PyData Pittsburgh Call for Proposals

Have an idea for a future PyData Pittsburgh meetup event? The PyData Pittsburgh Call for Proposals is now open!

Go to the Call for Proposals Form

Whether this is your first event proposal or your fiftieth, PyData Pittsburgh is looking for speakers and event facilitators from a variety of backgrounds and experience levels. First-time speakers are especially encouraged to submit proposals! Presenting at PyData Pittsburgh is a great way to hone your skills, demonstrate your expertise, make valuable connections, and advance your career.

We're interested in hearing all sorts of event proposals related to Python, data science, machine learning, and similar fields, but a few types of events tend to work particularly well for our group:

  • Applied talks about how you brought data science tools and techniques to bear on a particular problem

  • Explainers and tutorials demonstrating how to use particular tools, software libraries, modeling methodologies, datasets, and so on

  • Conversations about the broader organizational and societal context in which data science work happens: the data science job market, managing data science projects in an organizational setting, ethics, responsibility, and fairness in data science, security, regulatory concerns, and so on

We have a preference for talks and events that feature open-source tools and techniques. Talks that are primarily sales pitches for commercial products and services will not be accepted.

If you need more ideas and inspiration about topics that might be a good fit for PyData Pittsburgh, try taking a look at events from recent data science and tech conferences, like PyData, PyCon, and the Open Data Science Conference.

Go to the Call for Proposals Form

We can’t wait to see what this community comes up with!