🤝 Last chance to sign up for the PyData Pittsburgh booth at PyCon
Meet interesting people and help our community grow!
Have you heard that PyData Pittsburgh will have a booth in the Expo Hall at PyCon US?
This is an exceptional opportunity for PyData Pittsburgh to connect with potential new members, speakers, event hosts, and financial sponsors in the larger Python and Pittsburgh technology communities — but to make that happen, we need motivated volunteers to help us staff the booth!
We plan to create and share the staffing schedule for our booth tomorrow, so be sure to sign up by the end of the day today if you’re interested!
As a thank-you, we're offering a custom PyData Pittsburgh t-shirt to any member of our community who works at least one shift at our PyCon booth.
We have shifts available on the following days:
Thursday, May 16
Friday, May 17
Saturday, May 18
By picking up a shift at the PyData Pittsburgh booth, you'll have the opportunity to meet and speak with many members of the local, national, and international technology communities who are interested in learning more about what’s happening with Python, data science, and machine learning right here in Pittsburgh.
You'll also get to meet and speak with the leaders of NumFOCUS, Inc., who will have a booth co-located with ours. NumFOCUS runs major PyData conferences all over the world and provides financial and organizational support to many of the most important open-source projects in the scientific computing ecosystem, including NumPy, pandas, Jupyter, SciPy, scikit-learn, and many more.